Your Pets Lifestyle: 5 – Point Checklist For Your Peace Of Mind

Your pets lifestyle evolves each moment. By following this 5 – Point Checklist, you can eliminate the fear and stress you may feel while caring for your pets. Your precious moments spent with them can instead be filled with fun and optimum health. 

Regardless of how many pets have shared your life, there are always questions that come up that you either dread or are not aware that they exist.  Go through this Checklist that I have compiled from decades of experience as a pet professional so that you can ensure your pet a long, healthy and happy lifestyle.

Your Pets Lifestyle: Point 1 – Who Is…

  • The Primary Caregiver For Your Pet
  • The Financial Supporter
  • The Positive-Reinforcement Trainers
  • The Emergency Contact
  • The Groomer
  • The Petsitter
  • The Kennel
  • The Veterinarians






Your Pets Lifestyle: Point 2 – What…

  • Are You Going to Feed Your Pet
  • Are You NOT Going to Feed Your Pet
  • Toys Are Safe and Engaging
  • Hobbies Will You Enjoy With Your Pet
    • Showing in Conformation
    • Agility Trials
    • Obedience Trials
    • Barn Hunt
    • Lure Coursing
    • Swimming
    • Dock Diving
    • Hunting
    • Herding
    • Dog Park
    • Therapy Visits
    • Reading Tutor





Your Pets Lifestyle: Point 3 – Why Should You…

  • Purchase Pet Insurance
  • Carry a Pet Alert Card in Your Wallet
  • Create a Pet Profile Document
    • Habits
    • Food Preferences
    • Medical Conditions
    • Vet Information and Records
    • Microchip Information
    • Behavior Around Other Pets/Adults/Children
  • Carefully Choose Your Training Methods to Build a Relationship Based on Trust, NOT Fear






Your Pets Lifestyle: Point 4 – When Are You…

  • Going to Answer the First Three Points? Do It NOW!
  • Going to Spend Playtime With Your Pet
  • Going to Learn The Secret Language of Your Dog/Cat





Your Pets Lifestyle: Point 5 – Where Will Your Pet Go…

  • In Case of an Emergency Evacuation
  • When You Can No Longer Care For Your Pet
  • When You Move
  • When You Die
  • When Your Pet Dies?





This 5 – Point Checklist for Your Pets Lifestyle has posed some serious questions. Hopefully, you have written down the answers. Congratulations! Your answers will change as your lifestyle changes. Simply do your best to make wise decisions about your pet’s care so that he/she can live a long, healthy and happy life with you and you will have Peace of Mind!


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17 Replies to “Your Pets Lifestyle: 5 – Point Checklist For Your Peace Of Mind”

  1. Some of these questions are certainly easier to find the answer to than others. Such as the diet. Of course, we all want to feed our dogs the best we can afford. But doesn’t anybody really know what the best is?

    1. I agree, Jana. Despite all of the research and the science behind the diets that we feed our dogs, our dog’s overall health and his desire for that food is what reveals if we are on the right track with their diet.

  2. The food is such a big one – whether you do raw or commercial – you have to put trust in your supplier. The more you read and research the harder that is to do.

    1. I agree. I am friends with the company owners, nutritionist and employees of the products that I have used since 2002 but believe me, they had to answer some tough questions first. I trust them and find it hard to trust anyone else that I have not personally met.

  3. This is a great collection of questions and considerations. The last point has a couple of questions that may be difficult to think about or even acknowledge by some people, but it’s really important.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  4. This is really useful. I saw your comment about using a dog’s desire for food to judge whether the diet is appropriate. Mishu is not a big eater… she’s healthy but not excited by food and we can fill a bowl and she’ll eat what she wants and leave the rest for later (unless it’s canned dog food or human food, neither of which she gets very often). I’m hoping this doesn’t mean that we’re giving her the wrong food!

    1. As long as Mishu looks great, passes her blood tests and comes back for more…you must be on the right track. By the way, make sure your vet does a Vitamin D test since that seems to be lacking in many foods and our dogs can’t get it from the sunshine according to the latest research.

  5. This list should be provided to every pet-parent. Especially, new owners as it will take away some of the stress of not knowing. And perhaps even prevent some upsets.

  6. This is a great checklist for both existing pet parents and those thinking about becoming a pet parent! No better way to give peace of mind and be a responsible parent than be prepared. Well done.

  7. I agree with Michelle, this would make a great downloadable list! I think you’ve covered just about everything there is to having a dog! This is perfect for pet owners considering getting a dog! Very informative.

  8. Glad I found exactly what I was looking for here. My niece is adopting a dog very soon and gathering information at the moment so I sent her a link to here.

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